All Klimair® products are covered by a 5-year warranty against manufacturing defects.
Warranty inquiries
Send warranty-related inquiries to: – Please remember to attach the purchase receipt. If the inquiry concerns UNOKLIMA products, please provide the product's NC number. The NC number is listed on the product's gray identification label, which is attached to the product's electrical unit. On XT models, the label is located inside the front panel. Feel free to include a photo of the identification label.
The purchase receipt serves as proof of purchase and warranty. It is recommended to copy or scan the receipt, as printer ink may fade over time.
The warranty is void in the following cases:
- Unauthorized installation.
- Incorrect installation.
- If the installation deviates from the manual.
- Improper installation.
- Improper use and handling of the unit or its components.
- Power supply disturbances.
The manufacturer reserves the right to inspect any product before the warranty can be enforced.
The dealer, importer, and manufacturer can never be held liable for circumstances related to:
- Incorrect installation.
- Unauthorized installation.
- Installation for purposes other than those described in the manual.
- Installation that deviates from the manual.
- Installation without a valid purchase receipt.
- Damage or influences from external factors.
- Improper handling of the product or its components.
- Handling and installation without due care and common sense.